
Mostrando entradas de 2024


 1. Write and draw in your english notebook: 2. Look the following video 3. Write a typical dish recipe and draw it

Types of houses

 1. Look the following video and practice the differents types of houses


 1. Look the following video and practice write the diferent clothes in your english notebook 2. Look the following video and practice singing    

Reading comprehension "The moon" 503

  1. Look the following video  2. Write and draw the cartoon about the video

Reading comprehension Game ever

 1. Look he following video: 2 . Draw in your notebook: a. What is the  beginning  of the short film like?  b. What is the  middle  of the short film like? c. What is  the end  of the short film like? d. What is the  teaching  that the short film leaves you?

Games and sports, Numbers and days of the week Practice

Las siguientes actividades son de practica para la evaluación de calidad, sin embargo, tendrán una nota por la realización de todas las actividades durante la clase, tu nombre debe quedar registrado en cada una. 1. Da clic sobre cada actividad y realízala hasta que obtengas el máximo puntaje A ctivity Games and Sports Activity Numbers 10 to 100 Activity 1 Days of the week Activity 2 Days of the week Activity 3 Days of the week

Numbers and I like - I don´t like Practice

Las siguientes actividades son de practica para la evaluación de calidad, sin embargo, tendrán una nota por la realización de todas las actividades durante la clase, tu nombre debe quedar registrado en cada una. 1. Da clic sobre cada actividad y realízala hasta que obtengas el máximo puntaje Activity Vocabulary food and drink Activity I Like I don´t like Activity Numbers 1 to 20 Activity 2 Numbers 1 to 20

Reading Comprehensión "Game Ever"

  1. Look the following video 2 . Write and answer in your notebook: a. What is the  beginning  of the short film like?  b. What is the  middle  of the short film like? c. What is the end  of the short film like? d. What is the  teaching  that the short film leaves you? e. Look the following video f. Draw a cartoon about the short film Game ever. 

Will and going to Practice

Las siguientes actividades son de practica para la evaluación de calidad, sin embargo, tendrán una nota por la realización de todas las actividades durante la clase, tu nombre debe quedar registrado en cada una. 1. Da clic sobre cada actividad y realízala hasta que obtengas el máximo puntaje Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4 Activity 5 Activity 6

Daily Routine 2 Practice

  1. Entra en el siguiente enlace y realiza la actividad de colocar la expresión debajo de cada dibujo y la de los globos, ten en cuenta que las expresiones pueden cambiar o escribirse de diferente manera. Example:              Take a bath                 Have a shower Las dos traducen bañarse                 Brush my teeth                  Clean my teeth  Las dos traducen cepillarse los dientes                  Have lunch                   Eat lunch Las dos traducen almorzar Enlace:                                Da clic aquí 2. Look the following video: 3. Realiza las siguientes actividades: Para ver tu puntuación da clic en enviar respuesta Actividad 1 Actividad 2 Actividad 3 Actividad 4


Escribir el resultado en inglés:  5 + 4 =  11 + 4 = 15 + 2 = 10 + 7 = 8 + 8 = 10 + 10 7 + 8 = 3 + 3=

Days of the week

 1. Write in your notebook: 2. Write and solve in your notebook: (Debes escribir en inglés el día anterior y el día siguiente al escrito en el centro):


 1. Write and draw in your notebook:

Daily routine Activities

 1. Write in your notebook: 2. Look at the dictionary or traductor the daily routine expressions about the wordsearch and draw each one 3. Study the expressions for evaluation


 1. Look the following videos: 2. Play this game with help of your parents Play

Numbers 1 to 100

 1. Look this video: 2. Write in your notebook: 3. Write and solve in your notebook

Games and Sports

  1. Write and solve in your notebook: 2. In this box classified the games and sports  NOTA: LOS ESTUDIANTES QUE AUN NO HAN ENTREGADO GUIAS DE TERCER PERIODO POR FAVOR HACERLAS LLEGAR LO MAS PRONTO POSIBLE.

Future Will

 1 . Look the following video 2.Responde: a. Cuáles son los 5 usos que tiene Will y escribe un ejemplo de cada uno en inglés y español b. Cómo es la forma afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa, escribe un ejemplo de cada una en inglés y español c. Escribe 5 oraciones en inglés usando Will.

Daily Routine

 1. In your notebook complete the following box in english, look the example:

My next vacations

  1. Think about a place in the world that you want to know. _____________________________ NOTE: The entire document must be written in the future tense using WILL or GOING TO 2. In the first page of your brochure write the name of the place in english and draw the place. Example: 3. In the second page write about places for know in the place selected (Minimum 5 with pictures) 4. In the third page write about  typical dishes (Minimum 3 with pictures) 5. In the fourth page write about write about activities in this place (Minimum 3 with pictures) 6. In the fifth page write about the known people (singers, players, actors) (Minimum 4) 7. In the sixth page write a message inviting the people to visit the place that you selected.

Future Going to

 1. Look the following video: 2. Answer the following questions: a. ¿Para qué se utiliza? (Son dos formas de utilizarlo y debes escribir el ejemplo de cada una) b. ¿Cómo es la forma afirmativa? (Escribe la formula y el ejemplo) c. ¿Cómo es la forma negativa? ( Escribe la formula y el ejemplo) d.. ¿Cómo es la forma interrogativa? ( Escribe la formula y el ejemplo) e. De la parte "Vamos a repasar lo que hemos aprendido ¿CÓMO DIRIAS?", copiar la frase correcta con su traducción. 3. Teniendo en cuenta el tema visto, escribe en inglés tres oraciones donde uses GOING TO de manera afirmativa, 3 de manera negativa y 3 de manera interrogativa.

Numbers 1- 20

 1. Write in your notebook: 2. Look the videos:

Activities Second Term

 1. Search for words in the wordsearch 2. In your notebook translate the words into spanish 3. Draw each ocean animal in your notebook 4. Read and answer the following activities in your notebook and draw each answer. Example:     1. German                       Italian                                                                              Colombian 5. In your notebook draw the following actions and practice them

My body

1. Look the following video: 2. Color and paste the following copy 3. Color and match with a line: 4. Color, cut and paste:

My senses

1. Look the following video:  2. Color, cut and paste the following activities:

Prepositions In, On, Under

 1. Color and paste the following activities: 2. Look the following video and practice:

Parts of face

 1. Look the following video: 2. Color, cut and paste in your notebook the following activities: 3. Look the following videos and practice the parts of the face:


1. Color the following copy and paste it in your notebook 2. Write the number in front of the correct animal and solve the second part with the animals seen

Numbers 1 to 30

  1. Color and cut the following numbers and paste them in a column in front write the numbers in english: Example:    1    One 2. Write and solve in your notebook the following adds and subtracts in english:


 1. Color, cut and paste the following professions in your notebook in alphabetical order: 2. Practice the professions 3. Solve in your notebook: 4. Put the number in the correct picture   5. Write the profession below each picture

Reading comprehension "The fish and the fishing rod"

1. Look the following video: 2. Write the story in your notebook in english 3. Listen the story 3 times and practice the pronunciation for evaluation about reading and pronunciation.

Reading comprehension "Far from the tree"

  1. Look the following video: 2 . Write and answer in your notebook: a. What is the  beginning  of the short film like?  b. What is the  middle  of the short film like? c. What is the  end  of the short film like? d. What is the  teaching  that the short film leaves you? e. Draw a  cartoon  about the short film

What time is it?

 1. Write in your notebook 2. Complete the following activity:   3. Write and complete the following activity:

Regular verbs - Past simple

 1. Write in your notebook 2. Draw each verb 3.Write a sentence with each verb in past simple tense in english

My face

1. Look the following video:  2. Color cut and paste the following activity and write the parts of the face in english:

Parts of the body

1. Color and paste the following activity and read the parts of the body: 2. Look the following video: 3. Color, cut and paste in your notebook the following activity:  

Days and months

 1. Write the days in your notebook 2. Solve the activity in your notebook: 3. Write in your notebook: 4. Write in your notebook and solve the following activity: 5. As homework, look the following videos and practice the pronunciation

Ordinal numbers

 1. Look the video: 2. Look the video: 3. Look the story: 4. Write the following instructions and draw the ice cream and color it.

Present continuous or progressive

 1. Look the video and aswer the questions in your english notebook: a. Para que se utiliza el presente continuo? (son tres usos, escríbelos y escribe cada ejemplo) b. Escribe cómo es la forma afirmativa y su ejemplo. c. Escribe cómo es la forma negativa y su ejemplo d. Escribe cómo es la forma interrogativa y su ejemplo 2. Look the following video: a. Write the diferents verbs used in the video with the questions Homework Study for evaluation about the simple present tense and present progressive o continuous the next class


 1. Look the following vocabulay 2. Look and in your english notebook, choose the correct number for each pet


 1. Look the picture: 2. Complete the following activity in your english notebook:  3. Look the video